a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

change your shoes, change your life.

My 27th birthday is tomorrow.  I have always heard that either your 30th, 40th or 50th is bad. None of mine will be as bad as my 27th.  I'm totally devastated.  It seems so old on me.  Isn't Kate Middleton 29? I don't think she is old, or looks old, or acts old.  I am having an absolute shit hemmorhage over this and I cannot figure out why. 

Some good things have happened though.  I decided to paint my wood floors.  I really love them painted.  They were so destroyed from years of changing color of rooms, with random paint droppings, decade old termite damage, and about 60 years worth of dirt and grime.  I don't care how many times I have mopped these floors, they just dont get clean.  I feel a HUNDRED times cleaner now that they are painted, I still need to do a laquer of some sort over them but I will get to that later. 



Some guy came and asked me  if I wanted a new roof yesterday.  I told him yes, but I refuse to put forth any effort getting one.  He said that was ok and he would take care of everything.  He got on my roof and did some looking around and came back down and called my insurance company for me.  I signed some papers and I better get a new roof. He asked me if there was anything special about the outside of my house that he should know.  Like, if I had a favorite plant that I did not want destroyed. 

Obviously, I direct him to my favorite plant. And I made him list it on his sheet of paper.

How about just don't destroy anything ok?

Had another incident at Salvation Army.  I found 2 iron chairs that I really liked in the dumpster. The guy doing community service said I could have them for free, but went to double check with his manager and she said I couldn't have them.  I went and talked to her and she said that she would have a talk with the guy that told me that I could have them in the beginning. I told her I have been looking for these chairs since I was 18 years old and I have searched all over the country, and that I would pay her for them.  SHE SAID NO.  She denied me the right to pay for things out of a dumpster. Total bitch.  Who does that?

Look, I needed these chairs, so I went back out side and told community service guy that it is imperative that I aquire these things.  He told me to leave and come back in 10 minutes.  SO I went and made a vehicle swap just in case that crazy bitch came out there and noticed me in my car. I borrowed my boyfriends company truck that said his name all over it, he was nervous but he let me do it anyways. It's completely indescreet too, its all jacked up and making loud noises with giant rims and writing all over the side. Probably not the smartest thing I have ever done, but I was driven by the overwhelming desire to put one of these chairs on my front porch. I offered the guy money when he put them in the truck, but he wouldn't take it.

If my mug shot ends up in the news paper with the heading "local thief steals from poor to decorate home", I will be so embarassed. I'm going to start dealing with the humiliation now, so that when I get arrested for this it won't be so devastating.  I guess my family and friends should do the same.  

Let the record show that these items were in and outside of the dumpster to be thrown away, for no profit whatsoever, and that profit could have been made but was refused.

I rest my case.