a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rant of the day:

I realize that I'm a pretty irritable person, but today I have a legitimate rant. YOU would be annoyed too.
This is something I have been wanting to get off my chest for years, yes- years.  I am taking the opportunity today to bring it to everyones attention that it not only annoys me, but I know for a fact it annoys others as well. 

I waited tables for approximately 7 years.  I have been eating in restaurants since 1984.  When I was a child, and we went to eat as a family, I was only allowed a coke (soda, pop, sodywater) on special occasions (i.e. birthday, and thats basically it). When my brother and I sat down at the table, we were to sit there on our hands, we were to order water, and order it promptly. Our mother gave us 2 options of what we could have and we had to tell her which of those 2 things we wanted, she ordered for us, so that the waiter did not have to talk to a 7 and a 5 year old (or however old we were). THAT is how every parent needs to behave when they take their children in public.  I am sick and tired of seeing kids talk to waiters, ask what all kinds of cokes they have on the tap, argue with their parents about what they're going to eat, ask questions about their sides, and then waste everyones time when they take their sweet ass time deciding which 2 sides of the big peoples menu that they want.  THAT IS ANNOYING. 

I went to Panera Bread today.  Walked in with no make up on, praying I don't run into a soul. Jump into line with 1 family in front of me- perfect- hypothesized wait time until I order: 3 minutes. HA! yeah FREAKING RIGHT PEOPLE! YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK THOSE 3 PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ME TO ORDER WHILE I STOOD THERE AVOIDING EYE CONTACT WITH EVERYONE I KNOW? IT TOOK THEM 7 MINUTES! 7. DO YOU KNOW WHY IT TOOK THEM SEVEN MINUTES? BECAUSE THE 10 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL, WHO WAS DOING PIROUETTES BETWEEN ANSWERING QUESTIONS THAT HER FATHER IS ASKING HER, IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SPEAKING ABOUT IN THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH. A 10 year old has no idea what the difference is between a whole wheat and a french FREAKIN BAGUETTE! UGH! Do not give a 10 year old that option, and better yet, if you are the parent and you know that the kid has no idea what that is then don't sit there and look at the kid and say "answer the lady, there are people waiting...."

This brings me to another point.  Have you noticed how many really fat kids there are out there these days? I remember growing up and there was that 1 kid in class that was overweight.... not now people, not now.  I bet 50% of the kids I waited on at George's were overweight.  I understand that some people are born that way, but I do not understand parents who take their child out to eat and then let them have 4 Dr. Pepper's an appetizer and a fried chicken basket.  THAT is child abuse, whether you like it or not.  Therefore, when I waited tables, I took matters into my own hands.  When I asked the parents what they wanted their kids to drink (I always asked the parents- not the kids) they would look at their kid and say:
"what do you want to drink?"
"what DO you want to drink?"
silence again.....coloring.....
"please tell the waitress what you want to drink"
kid: "i don't know, what do they have?"
me: uuuugggghhhh "juice, water, tea, diet coke, coke...."
kid: "Dr. Pepper"
me: "ok" uh huh- yeah right kid- yo big ass is gettin a diet dr. pepper- i only had one kid ever notice that it was diet- he told his mother- and she sent it back, RUINING my cause for the greater good of mankind. I was close to putting an end to this whole childhood obesity thing.

I really wish I was one of those really sweet people that always put bible verses and positive quotes on her blog.  A girl that never had a bad thing to say.  Oh well.  I am what I am, and I aint what I aint!