a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Seriously? I know I'm a proud mother, but that is the cutest face I have EVER SEEN.

I still love her even though she ate half of the pizza last night, all of the presents under the Christmas tree, a book that Emily let me borrow (which I already fessed up to) and a book that my mother let me borrow (which I'm fessing up to now- sorry mom), about 15 magazines, 1 pair of Versace sunglasses, 2 pairs of Uggs, she hog tied me with her leash in front of Marshall's while we were running, making me fall flat on the ground, then by the time I untangled myself, she had chewed through her leash and we had to run all the way home un-leashed, she barks the entire time I am getting ready in the mornings, she sits in front of the mirror and looks at herself and I guess is practicing her growling and mean look, she thinks she is entitled to everything, if I tell her "NO" she gives me a smart alek look and barks, she "herds" (do you know what that means? it means that she bites at your feet to get you to move- like what dogs do to cattle) so we always say "haha she thinks you're a heifer!", she never comes when she's called, and I could keep going but I think you get the point. 

Ohhh she's my wittle pwincess!