a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Monday, March 28, 2011

Whirlwind of a Weekend

Friday Night

-It was a hard week so I decided to take KG and Swanson up on the offer to go out to the barge for Cokers 30th birthday.

-made a few new friends on the barge. we immediately friended each other on facebook and were all tagged at Nauti When Wet (the barge).

Saturday Morning

-12:45 am Martha receives a phone call from a RESTRICTED phone number.  She does not see the missed call until 9:19 am

-My phone is on vibrate.  I receive 3 calls from 9:20 am to 9:40 am. Two calls from my mother, one from my brother. I do not answer because 1. I'm asleep and 2. phone's on vibrate.

For 20 minutes I am missing..

What is my mothers initial thought when she pieces together that I am not answering and she received a restricted phone call the night before?  That I'm in a government regulated facility somewhere i.e. jail, hospital, mental institution.... completely logical.

What does she do?  She calls my Uncle Terry (FBI, terrorist hunter, special forces, CIA, Navy Seal, man hunting sniper, government official etc...)  What does Uncle Terry do?  Notifies the troops (every police squad within a 40 mile radius of Waco).  They locate the barge (a.k.a. Nauti When Wet). The subjects vehicle is not located at the dock, Uncle Terry is notified.  He contacts all hospitals and jails to no avail.  He checks my facebook, realizes that I was last checked in at the barge and he facebooks the people who were tagged in that check in.  He emails each of them and tells them that they need to have me call home.  Embarrassing.

9:50 am: my mother uses her key to bust into my apartment and I'm in there, asleep. 

10:00 am- 10:20 am I answered phone calls from everyone who was tagged on the boat with me, trying to explain that I have an extremely over-reactive mother and apologizing for the alarming facebook message.


Threw the biggest hissy fit that I have ever thrown in my entire life, for a plethera of reasons.  I will get to that some other time.

But to name a few; I moved into my parents garage. UGH. And if that isn't bad enough, I spilled an entire gallon of bleach (well it wasnt an entire gallon but it was 3/4 of the way full) in my car. 

Now for the shocker:
On the way from my parents house to my old apartment I am going under the bridge at HWY 6 and Bosque.  Out of the corner of my eye I see a man sitting on the incline under the bridge.  He was wearing a flannel shirt, jogging shorts, and tennishoes.  He was covered in blood.  I immediately want to pull over but the traffic is moving and I can't unless I want to cause an accident.  I put my hazards on and drive 100 mph to the next exit and turn around to come back and help this guy.  As soon as I get there, I see him walking on the incline toward Bosque Spirits, so I pull in there.  As he was walking over he looked out of sorts, like he had a really bad concussion, or he was drunk.  I realize he is walking toward 2 elderly people (who were retired cops that signaled for him to come over there, but I didn't know this at the time).  I jump out of my car and ask him if he's ok and he said yes.  I have never seen a person before with so much blood covering their face, every square inch of his body that was not covered in blood was bruised.  There was dried blood and fresh blood, the bruises were literally covering his body, some were fresh and some looked like they were old.  It looked like someone had taken a bat to this poor guy.  I gave him my bottle of water, he said his name was Katy Williams (I find that hard to believe) and that he was in a car accident 2 weeks ago. I immediately want to ask "well why the hell didn't you seek medical attention?!!!" and then "why the hell are you here in the Bosque Spirits parking lot, why the hell were you sitting under the bridge? there isn't a house for a half a mile in any direction!!!". The retired policeman called the cops and the purple guy begged him not to, he said he had several warrants out for his arrest but not for anything violent.  At that point I left.  I am so curious as to what happened to this guy.