a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It'll be ok....dA Da dO Do just DANCE

A serious case of social anxiety develops within me in public places where I may be placed in a potentially vulnerable situation- perfect example: the gym.  Especially Gold's since whoever designed the layout of that place was obviously a man, and a sick one!

All of the eliptical machines are directly in front of the treadmills.  Therefore, all of the ladies who are bouncing up and down on the elliptical are actually serving as entertainment for all the pervs that come and walk on the treadmill at 1.3 mph. behind them. I always worry about my big out of control ass jiggling.... Who is watching??? What are they thinking?? I mean, it seriously has a mind of it's own- they have got to be in shock.

 I HATE GOING TO THE GYM! until now..... :)

Zumba is a latin, hip hop dance class.  Since I like to shake it- me and my friend Amanda decided to go, and now we're addicts.  Amanda even snuck (or "sneaked" if you want to be proper) into WRS last week because she needed a fix on a Tuesday, I would have gone with her but I had plans. Don't put it past us though, we will risk all dignity and pride if it means we can get our groove thang on.  I plan on sneaking into WRS and GymX within the next couple of weeks, she doesn't know yet but she's going down with me.  I'M LIVIN ON THE EDGE PEOPLE! DON'T TRY TO STOP ME!

The most diverse class I've ever been in- large, small, younger, older, men, women, dancers, and of course the people who have no rhythm at all. I guess thats why all of my insecurities when I'm in there go straight out the window, and it's like that for everyone. 

My point:

Go shake yo thang, make dat ass jiggle!

it's completely liberating.