a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February is....

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that February is Plumber appreciation month.  Therefore, I would like to thank all of the plumbers out there that make my job so easy, and tell them how much I appreciate that.

Working in the plumbing industry has been an eye opening experience for me.  There are such terrible problems in the world of plumbing, that I never knew existed.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to assist in such times of need.  For example, that one time the old lady came in with her 90 year old husband.  She was in desperate need of a toilet seat that was at LEAST 3 inches tall so that her "husbands balls won't hang in the toilet water".  I, yes I, was the lucky one who was presented with this quandary.  Thank you plumbers, for passing that off on me. 

My numerous meetings concerning the flow, rinse pattern and flushing power, of toilets has been far beyond my expectations and desire of knowledge.  I would like to thank Kohler, especially, for their zealous efforts in demonstrating the power of a flushing toilet....  The faux poop that they make from soy paste, and then put on the power point screen and expect me not to laugh....  When they excitedly announce that the class 6 flushing system can flush up to 100 milligrams (and the average man puts out 250 mg), and expect me to keep a straight face and/or act excited.... I would like to Thank YOU-Plumbing engineers. THANK YOU!

Please everybody... THANK A PLUMBER TODAY! or someone in the plumbing industry.