a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Saturday, January 8, 2011

my new birthday

since i do not have a shift key on this computer i will not be capitalizing anything or using any punctuation that requires the work of a shift key. sorry.

today is a big day for me.  i feel as though it is my second coming into life.  today is the day that i purchased my very first i-anything.  i have never owned an iphone- i did have a few small ipod nanos or something that ex's gave to me for christmas and stuff but those are so old school. i have a touch screen something now. itouch. my new birthday, which we will start celebrating, january 8, 2011.  i am a new woman.

however, purchasing an itouch requires the work of a computer that has itunes installed on it.  since my work thought it would be funny to take away any and all things fun off my computer, i have been forced to use my personal computer.  my personal computer has been sitting in the same place in my apartment since i moved in and before that the only time it was moved was to move it from one apartment to another.  a layer of dust an inch thick lay atop of it.  the shift key is missing.  it runs about as fast as molasses falling uphill, but don't you worry, it has an ipod touch connected to it as we speak. i had to come up to starbucks to connect to the internet because it will not connect to one of those telephone chord looking cables that i have at my apartment. so much for free internet.  so what, it only took 2 and a half hours to download itunes on this bad boy machine, i've got nothing better to do on a saturday night.

i can actually take pictures because it has a camera on it.  like- 2 birds/1 stone people. i have never bought a digital camera.  the one i have is from 2003 believe it or not and it was a gift.  it still works but it takes the worst pictures ever, i could probably draw the pictures it takes better.  so now i have a camera, in which i will take many pictures with, and post them to my blog.

i'm overwhelmed with happiness right now.