a quote i'm diggin:

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem."

-Kurt Cobain

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prozac Nation

It's official, Priscilla is medicated.  For the past couple of months she has gotten progressively worse as far as tearing things up and whining incessantly for no apparent reason.

I took her in for her last round of shots and talked to the Barney (the vet) about her behavior.  He told me that she does have a behavioral problem and some anxiety, one way to treat that is to give her Prozac, and another way is to try to run her every single day.... even in the cold.  I feel so bad I'm living in this apartment, she's all couped up and has this nervous energy.  I was walking her about 2 times a week, but that proved to be insufficient.  So, I started walking/running her every single day.... oh my gosh.

THINGS GOT 100X worse.  She began TEARING up everything in the apartment, such as the blinds I just replaced AND she set her sights on my couch.... OH HELLLLL NO.

So, I put her in her cage while I was gone, which I never do, I put her big pillow that she sleeps on in there for some added comfort.  Since she knows how to disassemble the cage and get out on her own I have duct taped every joint.  I came home about 2 hours after I left her in there, the wires on the cage were bent, the duct tape had been eaten off, her pillow was torn to shreds and she had SHAT in her cage...and rolled in it.  I think she had a complete nervous breakdown during that 2 hours. 

THATS IT.  She's getting on Prozac.  I called Barney, talked to his nurse and had to admit that Priscilla Hough needs to go ahead and get the Prozac prescription filled.  I couldn't believe the words were coming out of my mouth.  In the meantime, I sought out some Prozac on the black market and have been administering that.  Barney has still not called me back, he does not understand that my child is mentally unstable and I am dealing with it over here as a single parent.  If the Prozac doesn't work she will be scheduled for a labotomy, promptly.